It is lovely to have you on this page reading about you possible association with TerraHopper as a writer/contributor.

Content are any magazine’s heart and soul. We have been associated with fairly good writers and avid travellers who excel in various fields and thus their writings give our readers an informative and interesting account of things.

We welcome content contributions from our readers as well. In a way, a receiver of information today can be an disseminator of information tomorrow. The content can be in form of a write-up or be in a visual form.  

At TerraHopper, our area of interest is travel as a celebration of life. So we invite you to write travelogues or destination guides based upon your own experiences. It will be sharing of your experiences in such way that it interests readers while loading them with necessary information about a particular place of interest, journey or destination.

We work with both expert as well as first-time writers, as long as we are provided with good content for our audience. All the contributions will be published with due credits.

How Can You Contribute
As a Content Writer
If you are an expert on a particular place or destination, we would love to hear from you. If you are a casual traveller but have a flair for writing, then don’t hesitate to come forward and drop an e-mail. And if you feel you have interesting ideas about how to make travelling a fun, please feel free to put it across, as we know our readers love to read compelling content, travel stories and new ideas about travelling. If you can include a sample of your work in your communication with us, it will be easier for our editor to take a call.

As a Photographer
They say ‘A good picture is worth thousand words’, and we have always believed in it. Interesting and engaging photographs are life and blood for any travel site. If you have always let your camera speak for you, then do share a photo features at TerraHopper.

As a Blogger/Guest Writer
We will love to have you with us on occasional basis for guest write-ups. If you have travelled recently or in past and have an interesting story to tell, TerraHopper is there as your platform.

Presently, we at TerraHopper are not providing our contributors with any remuneration. All we have been doing is that we publish content provided by you with proper credit. This applies to guest writers and bloggers as well. We will be deciding upon compensating our content providers in future and it will be communicated to you as and when it happens. But, through our website, we ensure our contributors a wider exposure and audience. We will also be inserting a click-able link to your website or blog, if you have one.

To contribute as a content provider, please contact us at with ‘Contribution’ in subject line. If you have any other suggestions about content, do drop us a mail at the above-mentioned e-mail address. We will be happy to hear from you.

We are eagerly looking forward to your association with us.

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